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Eat Weeds – A Field Guide to Foraging: How to identify, harvest, eat and use wild plants


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There is food within 3 metres of your front door: this book will teach you how to open your ‘plant eyes’.

For thousands of years, and as recently as three generations ago, it was common practice all over the world to collect wild food; knowledge of what, when, and where to forage was a necessary part of daily life. Few people today have experience harvesting wild food with their own hands, and with the advent of supermarket culture, monocultural systems of food production, and escalating urbanization, foraging knowledge has largely been lost.

But now there is a desire to learn how to forage once again for health, economy, and pleasure. From forest to seaside and from riverbank to city street―even your own yard―there is wild food and medicine available to those who know what to look for. 

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